We are delighted to announce that Anne MacDowell has joined Cancer52 as Chair of the Board. Anne brings a wealth of experience to the role having worked in healthcare for over 40 years in the UK, Europe, the US, and Asia.
Anne has an MBA from Harvard University. During her time in the pharmaceutical and medical technology sector she introduced new products for various diseases, including colorectal cancer, and improvements to treatment protocols to make them easier for patients.
Most recently Anne worked on a voluntary basis as Strategic Advisor to Fight Bladder Cancer, one of Cancer 52’s members, where she established the corporate partnerships program.
We are thrilled that Anne is in post, bringing the energy, experience, networks and a vision to take Cancer52 to the next level. We would also like to give huge thanks to Rebecca Porta, CEO of The Urology Foundation who has served as Interim Chair, supported by Helen Morement, CEO of AMMF - The Cholangiocarcinoma Charity’.