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16 October 2019 All Stakeholder Briefing

The annual All Stakeholder Briefing was a great success and we had a good turnout of both member organisations and pharmaceutical companies.

David Fitzgerald, Cancer Programme Director at NHS England, presented an update on the NHS Long Term Plan, explaining that there had been a shift in focus to early diagnosis.

David highlighted that:

  • a service specification for early diagnosis is being developed,

  • piorities for the next year include Cancer Alliances; operational performance; the clinical review of standards; and delivery of cancer services.

Heidi Livingstone, Public Involvement Adviser, and Lizzie Thomas, Senior Public Involvement Adviser, from NICE also presented. Lizzie explained how the review of methods and process will work confirming that the inputs that go into the QALY can be looked at, considering how unmet need, curative potential, real life evidence and qualitative evidence can be incorporated into NICE methods and processes. Heidi talked through the results of a survey of the patients and public about how NICE involves them in their work. This work will also feed into the NICE methods and process review.

Jane Lyons, CEO of Cancer52, gave an overview of the achievements of Cancer52 over the last year, many of which wouldn't be possible without the members' support.

David Fitzgerald's slides are available here.

Heidi Livingstone and Lizzie Thomas's slides are available here.

Jane Lyons' slides are available here.

Here is the full summary of the event.

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