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13 November 2019 Cancer52/NHS England & Improvement Workshop Rapid Diagnostic Centres & Pers

Rapid Diagnostic Centres (RDCs) and the roll out of personalised care are cornerstones of the implementation plans for Cancer Alliances in delivering the NHS Long Term Plan. RDCs are of particular significance to rare and less common cancers because of their initial focus on patients who present with serious but non-specific symptoms. Personalised care is also extremely important as it helps to tailor care to the person and link them with the right services and support locally. Cancer52 is delighted that, working with the NHS Cancer Programme, we are jointly hosting a policy workshop for Cancer52 members to inform thinking on:

  • the future of RDCs as they expand over the next 4-5 years

  • how RDCs can ensure a good experience for people who use them, and

  • what should be included in any local ‘Health and Wellbeing Support’ offer as part of the implementation of personalised care.

We are delighted to be able to bring this opportunity to all Cancer52 members to be involved in this level of interface with key policy makers at NHS England and Improvement, to ensure the Long-Term Plan commitments deliver for people with rare and less common cancers. We hope that many will take it up. If you would like to join this workshop please let us know by Friday 1st November 2019, putting ‘Joint Cancer52 / NHSE RDC workshop’ in the subject line, with one person per organisation please. A timed agenda will follow.

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