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Getting a better deal for people with rare and less common cancers: the next ten years

We're excited to announce the publication of our new briefing document 'Getting a better deal for people with rare and less common cancers: the next ten years' which we are publishing on Wednesday 17 October at our annual all stakeholder briefing.

During our consultation process over the summer of 2018 regarding what's needed for people with rare and less common cancers in the NHS ten year plan we generated views and input from 14 key stakeholders and more than 50 of our member charities and 650 patients.

All the views generated informed our submission to the NHSE consultation, and now form the backbone of this briefing document.

We now know that much of what is needed for rare and less common cancers is the same as for all cancers: identify what is working or has potential and invest further in those programmes, particularly where it leads to speedier diagnosis, better patient care and easier and earlier access to treatment.

Where the demand for rare and less common cancers is different is in how we must shift the focus and priorities for these cancers.

Long the poor relation, rare and less common cancers must now be prioritised at a national and local level through ring fenced funding, dedicated leadership and investment in coordination. Can we start with the rare and less common cancers, rather than leaving them till afterwards? And the targets which exist or are developed for all cancers must mean just that - ‘all’ cancers. Data must be as available for rare and less common cancers as it is for other cancers; otherwise there’s no benchmark and no means of measuring improvement.

We look forward to seeing these asks reflected in the NHS long term plan.

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