Available for the first time at Britain Against Cancer on 8 December are two new briefings from Cancer52:
"Living with a rare or less common cancer, patient experiences of treatment and care" - our new patient experience report - what does the evidence from the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey show us about experience of people with a rare or less common cancer? What is it that can make the difference to that experience?
Read our chair's summary of the challenges faced by people with a rare or less common cancer patient experience or access the full report.
"Speaking up for patients - Patient organisation involvement in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) with a focus on Patient and Clinical Engagement (PACE) at the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC)" - a new report on patient group involvement in the new Patient and Clinical Engagement (PACE) process at the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) - what can we learn from these experiences and what can we share?
Read a summary of the report findings or access the full report.
Also available:
"My Cancer, My DNA" - information on how to get involved in our joint project with Genetic Alliance, we are looking for people to take part in the survey that will inform a patient charter to be launched in Spring 2016.
"If we work together .... we can make as much noise as the big four" - our new postcards.
Cancer52 Policy Briefing - a briefing on the implementation of Achieving World Class Outcomes: A Strategy for England 2015-2020.
"Rare and Less Common Cancers: Incidence and Mortality in England, 2010 to 2013" - copies of the report produced jointly by Cancer52 and the National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN) at Public Health England. The report, published at the NCIN conference earlier in 2015, gathered for the first time data on nearly 280 cancers and gives incidence and mortality rates on some of the rare and less common cancers for the first time.
Read the press release about the report or access the full report.