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Cancer52 Policy Briefing identifies calls for rare and less common cancers

Cancer52, a coalition of more than 80 charities working in the field of rare and less common cancers, has been involved in the development of the Cancer Strategy since its inception. Former Chair Clara MacKay represented the coalition on the Cancer Taskforce alongside other key representatives from the cancer community.

The report contains 94 recommendations.

The Cancer52 Policy and Public Affairs Steering Group reviewed all the recommendations, identified those most relevant to rare and less common cancers and has now written a Cancer52 Policy Briefing on the implementation of the Strategy and the key elements the coalition would like to see taken forward for rare and less common cancers.

As a result of this review Cancer52 now has five key calls which it believes will help ensure that measures for rare and less common cancers are delivered.

Cancer52 calls for:

  1. Cross-party political support for the implementation of the Strategy in NHS England.

  2. Confirmation from the Government that it is committed to driving up standards in cancer care through implementation of the Strategy.

  3. An express mention of the Strategy and financial resources made available for its implementation to be included in the NHS settlement provided within the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget Statement. This will ensure that NHS England has political confidence, capacity and resources to ensure that the plan is taken forward.

  4. Confirmation that NHS England is committed to implementing recommendations contained within the Strategy and a blueprint outline for how this is going to be prioritised and executed.

  5. A seat for Cancer52 on any Implementation Taskforce established to ensure that the Strategy is delivered.

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