On Sunday 11th January 2015 NHS England announced details of a new independent taskforce being set up to develop an updated cancer strategy for England. This follows Simon Stevens' commitment to develop such a strategy at Britain Against Cancer in December.
Harpal Kumar (CRUK's CEO) has been asked to chair the taskforce which includes representatives from NHS England, DH, PHE, CQC, local government, CCGs, cancer doctors, patients, CRUK, Macmillan and Cancer52.
A high level 'statement of intent' will be published in March with a final strategy ready in the summer, for a new government to endorse and publish. The strategy will cover the whole cancer pathway - prevention to end of life - and consider how cancer services can embrace the principles of NHS E's Five Year Forward View (new models of care etc.)
The taskforce aims to represent all parts of the system responsible for delivering improved cancer outcomes and care and we are delighted that the Cancer52 Chair Clara Mackay has been invited to join this taskforce.