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NICE consultation on Review Guide to the Methods of Technology Appraisals Addendum

Cancer52 has commented on a number of aspects of the Methods of Technology Appraisals consultation, and submitted its response to NICE.

The full consultation response can be accessed here but in summary we believe that

- there is an opportunity to more fully reflect the impact of disease and the potential benefits of treatment through the additional modifiers of Burden of Illness and Wider Societal Benefit

- patients, and their carers, with their real world experience, are best placed to articulate these impacts and that we should be given the opportunity (and support) to provide evidence on these to the Appraisal Committee both as patient and carer experts and as representatives of organisations for patients and carers

- there should be a full and open approach to evaluation of these changes

Earlier Cancer52 asks to NICE are given here and covers the three key interrelated areas of process, methods and implementation.

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