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Research into rare and
less common cancers

An analysis of research spend by Cancer52 members and NCRI partners


An overview of key information from the analysis.

The Report


How the analysis was instigated, and information about Cancer52 and the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI).


A summary of the process to collate the data for this analysis, along with the classification systems used.

Existing evidence on cancer research spend and burden

A look at published evidence examining the mortality and wider societal burden of cancer types.

Cancer spend on rare and less common cancers compared to common cancers

Spend by research area in rare and less common cancers (NCRI and Cancer52 members combined) against spend in the most common cancers; breast, lung, prostate and bowel. 

Combined spend on rare and less common cancers

Combining Cancer52 members with NCRI partners to provide a more complete picture of research spend in rare and less common cancers.

Cancer52 Member spend

Spend by Cancer52 members looked at separately from NCRI partners.

Regional research spend

Spend by Cancer52 members and combined spend with NCRI partners was broken down into regional spend by the principal investigator (PI) institution.

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on research spend

How the pandemic affected research spend and possible implications for the future.


Overall conclusions of the analysis and reflections on the data.

Contributions and thanks

List of participating members and acknowlegements.

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