Our Data Team
One of Cancer52’s key strengths lies within the expertise and skills of those individuals who give their time to help drive forward the access to data agenda for rare and less common cancers.
Members of our Access to Data Working Group are data leaders within their own organisations and as a group provide a unique insight and guidance to Cancer52 on continuing to press for greater access to data for rare and less common cancers.
The Access to Data Working Group was initially established in September 2017 and has grown steadily since then. It is led by Charlotte Crowley, Policy and Evidence Manager of Leukaemia Care and is broadly representative of the cancers included within Cancer52’s membership. We also welcome to this group as a special adviser Chris Carrigan, formerly Head of the National Cancer Intelligence Network and now Expert Data Adviser at use MY data, a movement of patients, relatives and carers, with whom Cancer52 often works collaboratively
The Access to Data group supports the CEO with their contributions to any guidance on data produced by Cancer52 as well as advising on maximising presence at the annual PHE Cancer Services, Data and Outcomes Conference and liaising with the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service.
You can see the film we made about the importance of data in rare and less common cancers on the National Disease Registration Service website.
For further information about our Access to Data group please contact info@cancer52.org.uk.