Cancer52 represents over 100 charities and patient organisations working in the field of rare and less common cancers, covering all aspects of cancer information, support, care and research.
We work to ensure that the voice of people with rare and less common cancers is heard at a national level amongst policy makers and influencers and that strategies are implemented. Our key asset and offer to Cancer Alliances is to signpost, introduce or help facilitate new partnerships or information exchange between Alliances and a particular charity with specific expertise.
Summary of Cancer52 and how we plan to work with Cancer Alliances
We absolutely recognise the importance of Cancer Alliances in delivering on the Cancer Strategy and will do our best to support that work through bringing Alliances and our members together.
How some of our members could work with Alliances
Our door is wide open to assist Alliances.
On this page you will find details of the executive, clinical and operations lead for each of the 19 Cancer Alliances alongside an email address that you can use to contact the Alliance.
Cancer Alliance patient engagement contacts
This is a list of Patient and Public Engagement Leads for each Cancer Alliance.