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Cancer52 launches inequalities report
Cancer52 are pleased to launch our report - Taking Action on Inequalities in Rare and Less Common Cancers: Understanding the Issues – at...

Cancer52 writes joint letter to SoS for Health & Social Care
As part of One Cancer Voice, a coalition of over 50 cancer charities, Cancer52 has written a joint letter to The Rt Hon Dr Thérèse Coffey...
View Cancer52's Showcase Video
Cancer52 have produced a video showcasing the amazing work of our members in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The video highlights the...

Showcase Video Screening
Cancer52 recently recognised the amazing work of our members through the screening of our Showcase Video. As the name suggests, the film...

Showcase Video project
Not long to go until we proudly present our Showcase Video of innovative projects by our members - charities united by the aim of...

Cancer Support UK joins Cancer52
Partnership is our key aim, and it is driven by our collaboration and partnership of more than 100 member charities. We are pleased to...
Cancer52 sign open letter from the NHS to encourage Covid-19 vaccine booster uptake
In May Cancer52 signed an open letter, alongside several other cancer charities, to encourage uptake of the Covid-19 booster vaccine in...

Lucien Seller Fundraiser a great success!
A fantastic fundraising day has been held at Cardiff and Swansea Buzz Trampoline Parks in honour of their colleague Lucien Seller, who...
Fundraiser planned in memory of Lucien Seller
Last year, Lucien Seller died of an exceptionally rare cancer - Thymic Mucinous Adenocarcinoma - aged just 25. On Saturday, 28th May his...

We have another new member...
We are pleased to welcome our newest member – London Asbestos Support Awareness Group, which provide free practical and emotional support...
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