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New paper published that looks at diagnosis challenges for rarer cancers
A new study, published today (26 February) looks at the challenges of timely diagnosis for people with rarer cancers. Authored by Silvia...
Cancer 52 Position Paper on Access to Medicines and Treatments
Cancer52 has published a position paper 'Cancer 52 Position Paper on Access to Medicines and Treatments' which gives a clear view on the...
Cancer52 at Britain Against Cancer
Available for the first time at Britain Against Cancer on 8 December are two new briefings from Cancer52: "Living with a rare or less...
Stopgap donate to Cancer52
Our thanks to Stopgap who have donated £400 to Cancer52. Stopgap is a small (50 people) owner managed business which finds marketing...
Radio 4 Inside Health interview
Chair Jonathan Pearce is interviewed on BBC Radio 4's Inside Health Programme on the Cancer Drug Fund and the extra challenges faced by...
In response to the National Audit Offices Investigation into Cancer Drugs Fund report
Jonathan Pearce, Chair of Cancer52, said: "Cancer52 calls on NHS England to learn from The National Audit Office’s report[1] and ensure...
Cancer Drug Fund Delistings
Cancer52 comment on Cancer Drug Fund announcement of 4 September 2015.
Cancer52 Policy Briefing identifies calls for rare and less common cancers
The Achieving World-Class Cancer Outcomes: A Strategy for England 2015-2020 was published in July 2015. Cancer52, a coalition of more...
“Rare and Less Common Cancers: Incidence and Mortality in England, 2010 to 2013”
We are delighted to announce that our new report “Rare and Less Common Cancers: Incidence and Mortality in England, 2010 to 2013” is...
Parliamentary Questions and Answers
Following our successful Parliamentary event in December, details of how the last government answered our questions on rare and less...
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