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16 October 2019 All Stakeholder Briefing
The annual All Stakeholder Briefing was a great success and we had a good turnout of both member organisations and pharmaceutical...
10th July 2019 All Members Meeting
The All Members meeting was a very informative and enjoyable session, which featured a mix of great speakers. Jennifer Mitchell and Laura...

‘Getting a better deal for people with rare and less common cancers: what we can learn from patients
On Wednesday 10th July we launched a new report, ‘Getting a better deal for people with rare and less common cancers: what we can learn...

4th April 2019 - Cancer52 Roundtable
Cancer52 held a roundtable on 4th April 2019 to explore the implications of the NHS Long Term Plan and what it means for rare and less...

10th April 2019 All Members Meeting
The All Member Meeting featured a great mix of speakers - Jess Mills of Act for Cancer; and Mary-Jo Pryor of NHSE Specialised...
All Members Meeting - 23rd January 2019
We had a very informative All Member Meeting on 23rd January with great presentations from both Dr Paul Catchpole, Value & Access...
Briefing on the 2019 Voluntary Scheme for Branded Medicines from the Association of the British Phar
Slides from the recent Briefing on the 2019 Voluntary Scheme for Branded Medicines from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical...

Britain Against Cancer conference 2018
It was great to see some of you at the Britain Against Cancer conference on 4 December and thank you to those of you – or your patients -...

Cancer Registration
When a person is diagnosed with cancer in the UK information about them is automatically included in their national cancer registry. It...

Cancer52 All Stakeholder Briefing 2018
The annual All Stakeholder Briefing was held on 17 October 2018. We were honoured that Cally Palmer, National Cancer Director, NHS...
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